The Mockingcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

272 episodes of The Mockingcast since the first episode, which aired on October 30th, 2015.

  • Episode 48: Speaking Of Faith, Fashion and Friendship

    August 12th, 2016  |  1 hr 16 mins

    Our guest this week is Krista Tippet, host the wildly popular NPR show On Being, and the author of several books, most recently Becoming Wise: An Inquiry Into The Mystery And Art Of Living. Then Scott, David and Sarah talk fashion and friendship.

  • Episode 47: Rest Assured

    August 5th, 2016  |  47 mins 56 secs

    This week our guest is Jonathan Master, author most recently of A Question Of Consensus, which deals with post-Reformation understandings of the doctrine of assurance. He also hosts the podcast Theology On The Go,

  • Episode 46: Everything Moves

    July 30th, 2016  |  1 hr 20 mins

    This week we have Rebecca Schiff as our guest, author of the amazing book of short stories, The Bed Moved. Then we introduce a new listener profile piece. Our first guests: Kyle and Liz Dupic. Wow! Then the usual suspects……Sarah come back!

  • Episode 45: Peter Leithart, Don Knotts & The Orthodoxy Of Romance

    July 23rd, 2016  |  57 mins 52 secs

    This week we welcome Peter Leithart to the show as our guest. He is the author most recently of Delivered From The Elements Of The World: Atonement, Justification, Mission. He also directs the Theopolis Institute. Then our roundtable talks Mayberry,

  • Episode 44: PZ Returns

    July 15th, 2016  |  53 mins 28 secs

    Paul Zahl is back. He and Mary Zahl just returned from England, where they saw their grandson baptized. He also returns to the Mockingcast today to talk Brexit, why he does his podcast, and what preaching is all about.

  • Episode 43: Life Is An Authentic Mess

    July 8th, 2016  |  56 mins 53 secs

    Our guest this week is Kimm Crandall, author most recently of Beloved Mess: God’s Perfect Love For Your Imperfect Life. Then Scott, David and Sarah discuss the contents of Another Week Ends.

  • Episode 42: Religion’s Place In A Chronically Anxious World

    July 1st, 2016  |  1 hr 5 mins

    This week we feature an interview with Miroslav Volf, Professor of Theology at Yale University and author most recently of Flourishing: Why We Need Religion In A Globalized World. Then David Zahl, Sarah Cond0n and Scott Jones discuss Seinfeldia,

  • Episode 41: Bonus Cast: Game Of Thrones Recap And Review

    June 28th, 2016  |  32 mins 23 secs

    In this special, spontaneous episode David Zahl, Will McDavid, Lindy Jones and Scott try to make sense of where we’ve Game of Thrones has been, where it is, and where it’s going. Enjoy!

  • Episode 40: The Ecumenical Apocalypse

    June 24th, 2016  |  1 hr 18 mins

    Our special guest this week is Liel Leibowitz, senior writer at Tablet Magazine and co-host of Unorthodox, one of the greatest podcasts on the web. Liel and Scott thought their conversation was nearly apocalyptic in magnitude,

  • Episode 39: Did Jesus Have A Wife? Do You Have Septimania?!?

    June 17th, 2016  |  49 mins 45 secs

    Our guest this week is author and literary critic Jonathan Levi, whose most recent book is Septimania, a ” strange and magical picaresque romance.” Then Scott is joined by David Zahl and Sarah Condon to consider questions like: “Do we live in the Matri...

  • Episode 38: Should You Ever Be Authentic Or Do What You Love?

    June 9th, 2016  |  45 mins 4 secs

    This week Scott Jones talks with Erik Guzman about his new book, The Seed: A True Myth. Then Scott is joined by the usual suspects to talk about, among other things, the dangers of being authentic and doing what you love.

  • Episode 37: Bonus Mini-Cast: Lindy and Scott Review “Love And Friendship”

    June 6th, 2016  |  11 mins 50 secs

    This is the second of an ongoing, albeit semi-regular series, where the host of the Mockingcast goes to the cinema with his lovely wife, Lindy. This episode we review Love and Friendship, a film inspired by Jane Austen’s unpublished novella.

  • Episode 36: How’s A Gorilla Mom Like Me Gonna Make It Through The Zombie Apocalypse?

    June 3rd, 2016  |  56 mins 5 secs

    We have one of the top experts on Zombie Apocalypses on the show this week. Alissa Wilkinson teaches at King’s College in New York City. She is the author most recently of How to Survive the Apocalypse: Zombies, Cylons, Faith,

  • Episode 35: Nurture The Wow

    May 28th, 2016  |  1 hr 6 mins

    This week we have as our guest Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, the author of numerous books and essays, including her most recent work, Nurture The Wow, a deeply affecting, funny, insightful meditation that challenges readers to find the spiritual meaning of p...

  • Episode 34: The Gospel Is For Sinners

    May 20th, 2016  |  54 mins 24 secs

    This week’s show features an interview with Fleming Rutledge about her recent book, The Crucifixion:Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ. Then the usual suspects review the contents of Another Week Ends.  Scott,

  • Episode 33: Special Episode: The Church Magazine Edition

    May 18th, 2016  |  1 hr 24 mins

    In this special episode of the podcast we talk about the most recent issue of our magazine which is all about the Church. We talk with the editor of the magazine, Ethan Richardson, as well Molly Worthen, Professor of History from UNC and New York Times...